Access the data repositories and models of the Marine Information System


 About the Marine data Repositories Administration Service


Après une période de retours d'expérience, le choix du référentiel "Paramètre" pour le milieu marin a été définitivement choisi : il s'agit du référentiel français analytique administré dans le cadre du Système d'information sur l'eau. 

Mise en ligne de l'outil de recherche dans la typologie des ouvrages côtiers

HabRef est un référentiel, où sont répertoriées les données sur les habitats naturels et les végétations, géré par PatriNat (OFB-MNHN-CNRS-IRD).

What is a repository ?

Repositories are used to index, encode and organize data in a structured way. They ensure the semantic and technical interoperability of an information system, in particular by developing a common language for storing and sharing information between users.

The French common architecture framework for data repositories published by the General Secretariat for the modernization of the Public Action on 18 December 2013, defines data repositories as "the informatic tools needed to manage this data over time and make them available to other applications, information systems or users". This may be alpha-numeric data, such as taxon names, or geographic data, such as the location of French marine protected area for example.


The French public information service on the marine environment

The Marine Information System (SIMM) aims to facilitate the sharing and dissemination of data concerning the marine environment. To accomplish this, it relies on the existing organized databases and information systems in this field and creates new ones when needed. SIMM federates the stakeholders of public data on the marine environment (State services, public institutions, etc).

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