About us

Publié le 28 January 2020 — Modifié le 1 October 2021

The web portal of the Repository Administration Service (SAR) is a trusted gateway to access the repositories of the Marine environmental Information System (SIMM). It makes available the data repositories and models managed by the SAR (Repository Administration Service) and centralizes users' requests.

The Repository Administration Service (SAR)


The SAR's duties are to ensure the management of the SIMM repositories and to implement the technical means to provide a common language. These include both data models and reference data, as well as the terms and conditions of their use and the services that make them usable. Its goal is to enable the interoperability of databases within the SIMM while ensuring that the SIMM is interconnected with other systems (federal, public or international systems). It also provides an assistance service (helpdesk) to SIMM stakeholders for the use of all its productions.

SAR Publications

The SAR team is a combination of staff from the French Office for Biodiversity (steering) and IFREMER (technical secretariat). Its work is steered by the SIMM "common language" steering committee. It relies on different contributing organizations, which bring their expertise and can participate in the administration of the repositories. It calls upon, as much as necessary, thematic experts on specific subjects.

Links with other standardization authorities


SAR is careful not to unnecessarily re-create existing data repositories. To this end, it may need to collaborate with existing national and international data standardization organizations: 

  • The Working Group "Geo-Information for the Sea and Coastline" (GT GIMeL - Géo-Informations pour la Mer et le Littoral) is a sub-group of the "Data" commission of the National Council for Geographic Information (CNIG - Conseil National de l'Information Géographique).
  • The National Administration Service for Water Data and Repositories (SANDRE), equivalent to the SAR for the Water Information System, offers numerous data repositories for the producers and users of  water data.
  • The Administration Centre for the Technical Reference Frame (CARET) carried by the UMS PATRINAT (French Agency of Biodiversity), equivalent to the SAR for the Biodiversity Information System.  
  • The data cluster ODATIS federates at the national level data management activities and scientific expertise in oceanography.
  • The TG DATA issues recommendations for data standardization within the scope of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) reporting. The SAR has been mandated by the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition (MTES) to represent France in this body.

En savoir plus

SAR’s roles and goals are defined in :

  • The National Marine Data Framework (SNDMM -  Schéma national des données sur le milieu marin) which defines the public marine data system and is the foundation of the marine information system. It is the annex to the decree approving the National Marine Data Plan.
  • The mandate of the "Common Language" Steering Committee.